Upcoming Weeks of Brush Collection:

Please separate your brush and bulk pickup into two piles – one for green waste and one for everything else. The piles will be picked up by separate trucks during your designated brush and bulk pickup week.
The earliest items can be placed out is the Wednesday prior to the week of pickup and must be placed out no later than 5:00 am on Monday the week of the scheduled pick up. Residents, please be considerate of your neighbors – do not put your items out before the designated dates. Please be patient as the City has all week to pick-up in our area.

*Please refrain from placing trash containers or bulk trash where it blocks the sidewalk and would prevent pedestrians or wheelchair bound residents from passing along the sidewalk.


Moving Box Recycling:

Residential Solid Waste Services performs a moving box service on a one time basis for new home owners on every Wednesday. You have to call (480-312-5600) to set-up an appointment for pickup.


Household Hazardous Waste:

Scottsdale residents can properly dispose of these materials at the free Home Household Hazardous Waste Collection during the months of August, September, October & November. This service is offered to 200 Scottsdale residents per month on a first-come, first -served basis. This service is not offered during the month of June.  Schedule an at home pick-up by filling out the registration form online or call 480-312-5600. Proof of residency is required such as a picture I.D. with your Scottsdale address or a city utility bill. For items accepted, and not accepted, and dates held, please visit www.scottsdaleaz.gov.